Booking International Visa Services: Common Mistakes to Avoid

Filling up the visa application form? Read further to look at some mistakes to avoid while booking the International Visit Visa application form.

Booking International Visa Services: Common Mistakes to Avoid

Most of the time planning a trip includes making an itinerary and booking accommodation and activities. However, there is another major step which should be included in the process of planning the trip. That step is, securing the visa to the country you are visiting. 

The process of applying for an international visit visa is a very tiring and complicated one. During the process of gathering documents, meeting the requirements, and filling up the visa application, there is a chance that you might make some mistakes. And these mistakes might get your visa rejected. In this blog, we will be discussing some of the common mistakes people make while applying for an International Visit Visa

9 Common Visa Mistakes to Avoid During The International Visit Visa Application Process

As mentioned before, the process of applying for an International Visit Visa is a very complicated one. If you are someone who has never been down that road before, then make sure that you look at some of the mistakes you should avoid during the pro

Process of the Dubai Visit Visa application:

Inaccurate or Incomplete Information on the Application

This can be considered one of the most common mistakes that applicants make during the International Visit Visa process. A lot of times inaccurate and incomplete information on the application can increase the chances of your visa application getting rejected. 

So, make sure that you go through the instructions, and fill out the form according to that. Enter the accurate information in the form, while making sure that everything is filled out completely. Before submitting your application form, double-check each and everything. Ensure you are not providing any false or misleading information, as this would increase the chances of your visa getting rejected. 

Late Visa Application

If you are applying for a Dubai visit visa, then make sure that you apply on time, as applying late might stand out as a major problem. The time to process the visa depends on the type of visa and the country you are applying for. So, make sure that you check the requirements, and gather the necessary documents beforehand. 

Since every country has different requirements, it is important that you do your research very well. Or you can contact any travel agency in Dubai which will help you out with the required documents better than the research that you will do. It is important that you keep some time extra, as there is a slight chance that your visa will take some time to get approved. 

Failing to Provide Proof of Funds

For a lot of countries, proof of income and funds is a primary requirement. This is required to prove that you have the ability to support yourself during your trip. To prove that you need documents like bank statements, employment letters and other necessary financial documents. If you fail to provide these documents then there is a high chance that your visa application might get denied. 

Not Revealing Details of Previous Visa Denial

If you have applied for a visa before and it has been denied, then it is necessary that you provide the reason why it was denied. During your appointment, if you fail to mention this while applying for a new application, then it might get your new application rejected as well. You have to be honest and truthful about your visa history and provide any traditional information which might help in speeding up your visa process. 

Failing to Provide a Valid Passport

A valid passport is a basic necessity for your visa application. Ensure that your passport is valid for at least 6 months. Before applying for a visa you have to check the expiration dates and see if it requires to be renewed. Failing to provide a valid passport can be another factor which might get your visa denied. 

Not Providing a Clear Reason for Travelling

Everyone has a reason or a purpose for travelling, it could be travelling, staying with a loved one for a few weeks, or just a work permit. However, it is necessary that you tell them the purpose of your visit. Not only that, you also need to provide them with the documents which help you in proving all of that. 

For example, if you are going to travel, then you have to provide them with a detailed itinerary, and proof of accommodation. If you are a student, then you require an acceptance letter from the university. 

Not Giving a Clear Travel Itinerary

If you are travelling as a tourist, then it is important that you provide them with a clear itinerary. Along with that, you need to provide accommodation details, planned activities, and travel details. This is a very important document which would help the visa officials to understand your travel plans and ensure that you don’t overstay your visa. 

Failing to Follow up on Your Application

After submitting the visa application, it is important that you follow up with the embassy to make sure that everything is alright or not. There is a chance that you might have to go to the consulate to appear for an interview or provide any additional documents. This can act as an important factor as if you fail to follow up on your application, then your application might get denied. 

Not Getting Professional Assistance

This sounds like a very small step, but it is a very important one. It might not be required for the people who have done this before. But if you are a first-time traveller, then make sure that you get assistance from any reputed travel agency in Dubai.

Final Thoughts

The visa application process is indeed a complicated one. However, it can be made simple by getting help from any travel agency in Dubai. If you decide to go through with a travel agency, then all you have to do is submit your document requirements and leave the rest to professionals. They will be filling up the application form for you, and then submitting it to the embassy. So, make sure that you follow all of the above-mentioned steps, and reduce the chance of your visa getting rejected. 

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